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Sunday School

Adult Sunday School runs from September - May. This second hour education time meets in the Sanctuary from 11:00-11:45 AM. Classes will be taught by a variety of individuals. See the schedule below for more details.


September 15: RCA UPDATE: What’s happening in our Classis and Regional Synod

Greg Brower, Great Lakes City Classis Leader, and Tom Grabill, Regional Synod of the Great Lakes, will be sharing the actions of General Synod 2024 and the transition plan going forward.


September 22: How to Disagree with Respect–not Hate

Pastor Kent and Pastor Tim will spend this class having us consider the way we, as Christians, will show up throughout the remainder of this election cycle. There are unhealthy habits and language that weigh many down adding to the polarization that shows up in our communities, families and friendships. There are healthier postures we can lean into that may not change your mind, but neither will they intentionally or unintentionally lead to greater discord in relationships.


September 29, October 6, 20 & 27, November 10 & 17: Flourishing in the Final Third of Life

Tim Jasperse and Pastor Tim will facilitate a class that focuses on how we will live into the final third of life. Will it have purpose and meaning? Will your relationships grow or shrink? How will your spiritual life continue to adapt to a new season of life? What’s the impact of your physical health on your sense of overall satisfaction of life? You leave each session with ‘homework’ to do for the following week. Your homework will consists of some reflection and trying out the development of new habits. The materials we will use are from Fuller Seminary De Pree Center. The two Tims went through the course last Fall in preparation for this class. If you’re younger, consider this an opportunity to apply it to the middle third of life. We can all learn from one another. There are printed work books available for $15 per book. There is also an electronic workbook available.


Adults and youth are invited to participate in the Choir and Praise Band​.


Choir rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7 PM in the Sanctuary. The choir meets weekly from September-May, and several times during the summer.


The Praise Band meets Thursdays at 7 PM in the Sanctuary on weeks prior to leading worship. 


For more information, contact Catharina Matthews (Choir Director) or

Michelle VanGeest (Director of Music).

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July 7-18, 2025


In July 2025, Pastor Kent will be leading a trip through GTI to Turkey! The purpose of this trip is to be engaged with God’s Word in its original context. So much of the New Testament was written to followers of Jesus in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). This includes one Gospel and most of the Epistles. The Book of Acts describes the church’s missional efforts there. Firm commitments for participation are needed by September 1st, 2024.

If you have questions, please reach out to Pastor Kent, Betsy Frens or Anne Bauman.


TO REGISTER: Please click the button below. All the information can be found at that link.

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Women's Bible Study

Fall Study: "James—What You Do Matters" by Margaret Feinberg

If you take the Sermon on the Mount and overlay it with the book of James, you’ll find oodles of connection. Penned by the half-brother of Jesus, James sounds more like Jesus than any other New Testament writer. The short letter is packed with doable and down-to-earth teaching, golden treasures of wisdom, and a timely call for believers everywhere to grow into maturity.

Women's Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall. For more information, click the button below; or, contact Lynn Vander Laan or Marilyn Van Laan.

Ongoing Activities

Thornapple offers a variety of groups, clubs and events throughout the year. For more information, you can check our Events Calendar, or get in touch with Pastor Tim.​

  • Women's Bible Study

  • God Winks Gathering

  • Pastors Lunch Bunch

  • Men’s Breakfast Gatherings

  • Threads of Love

  • Book Club 

  • Volunteer Teams

  • Dinner Groups

  • Servant's Picnics

  • Adult Choir

  • Praise Band

  • Wednesday Noon Prayers

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